What to Do When Your Toilet Supply Line Is Leaking
10/17/2019 (Permalink)

If you notice a leak coming from your toilet’s supply line, it could be caused by a number of problems. Whether there is a hole in the line or the connection is worn out, it’s crucial to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring in your Garfield, MN, home. Be sure to take the following steps as soon as you come across a leak to avoid facing costly supply line damage.
Find the Source of the Leak
The first thing you should do is figure out where the supply line leak is coming from. The four main places where a leak can be found are:
- Nut that connects supply line to fill valve
- Nut that connects supply line to shut off valve
- Connection between valve and water line
- Washer inside valve
Identifying the source of your bathroom leak allows you to address it appropriately. While most of these leaks can be fixed easily, a hole in the supply line might warrant a replacement. It’s best to talk to a professional if you aren’t sure how to fix your leak, as failing to take proper action can result in serious supply line damage.
Tighten the Fittings
In most cases, tightening the fittings on your supply line can stop the leak. Use a small pipe wrench to tighten each fitting on the line, and be sure to proceed with caution. If the supply line stops leaking, you don't need to do anything else. If it continues to leak, it may be a good idea to call a professional who can examine the problem and determine the best course of action.
A toilet supply line leak may cause serious harm to your living space even after you’ve had the problem fixed. No matter what kind of supply line damage you are facing, water damage restoration experts can help your Garfield, MN, home make a full recovery.