Initial Steps To Take When Mold Is Discovered
1/7/2020 (Permalink)
Initial Steps To Take When Mold Is Discovered
It's never a good moment when you discover black mold at your business in Pelican Rapids, MN. While the initial impulse might be to scream or make a bad face, these actions won't do much to fix the problem. However, a couple of simple steps you take right away could make the problem less severe and easier to deal with in the long run. The first step is to look for signs of water damage or leaking nearby where the mold has been found. If there is a leak, turn the water off immediately, as mold spores thrive in wet, moist conditions. Secondly, if it is feasible, turn off the heating and cooling system so mold spores do not get circulated throughout the building.
Mold Facts
A moisture problem is usually the likely culprit when mold is present in your building. Any room that has higher than 45% humidity could allow the proliferation of black mold. The following are a few more facts about mold:
- It is naturally occurring and present nearly everywhere
- It can be an allergen and an irritant
- Mold spores cannot be totally eliminated but they can be controlled
- Mold can grow on wood, carpeting, paper and foods
Beyond a few initial measures, a mold problem often necessitates the calling in of a professional mold remediation team. The company will begin with an inspection and assessment and then proceed to mold containment procedures.
Mold Cleanup
The goal of the cleanup process is to control mold growth, identify and remove the moisture problem, clean all surfaces and materials and to discourage the return of black mold. A professional company will identify the types of mold present and initiate a cleanup plan targeted to be effective. The company will monitor air quality and make sure a healthy environment exists for all workers. Materials that are contaminated with mold will either be thoroughly cleaned or discarded.